

What are Payroll Tax Fringe Benefits?

If you’ve ever worked for a company that offers private health insurance, gym memberships, or property as part of your employment, then you’ve likely already received some form of payroll tax fringe benefits. As a practice used by many businesses across Australia, fringe benefits are an excellent way to stay competitive, provide added value to…

Self Employment Tax Guidelines for Australia

The tax considerations of being self employed in Australia are unique. Legally minimising your tax burden and taking advantage of every available deduction requires careful and informed forward planning of tax minimisation strategies. If undertaken without professional guidance, tax management can be riddled with missed opportunities for claiming tax benefits. Unanticipated and unnecessarily large tax…

Payment Plans and the ATO

The necessary government restrictions on economic activity which have been put in place in an attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19 have had a devastating effect on many businesses. For some, corona virus has meant an immediate cessation of trading; for others, the impact of the virus has been more subtle, but potentially as…

How your business can benefit from the COVID-19 financial stimulus

The Australian Government has announced a $17.6 billion stimulus package on the 12 March 2020 in order to prevent Australia falling into a recession. Further, announced on the 22 March 2020 an additional $66 billion stimulus package on top of the previously announced $17.6 billion stimulus was announced. This is due to the economic impact…

Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) : What you need to know

The Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) gives the ATO valuable information about payments made to contractors for providing services. The ATO uses these reports to identify and follow-up with contractors that haven’t met their tax obligations. Do I need to lodge a TPAR? A whole variety of businesses and entities are required to lodge a…

The ATO’s Stance On The Sharing Economy

The ATO’s stance on the sharing economy The sharing economy includes any economic activity that takes place via a digital platform (a website or app, for example) where people offer products or services for a fee. Some common sharing economy activities include the following: Short-term accommodation rentals like Airbnb and Homeaway Ride-sourcing – sometimes referred…

Draft Law: New Reporting Obligations For Certain Service Entities

Taxable Payments Draft Law: The New Reporting Obligations You Need to Know About If you run a business in Australia, you will already be familiar with the legal requirement to report on taxable payments. Details regarding these payments must be submitted to the ATO so that taxes can be calculated accordingly, ensuring that your business…

Special Pherrus Federal Budget 2018-19 Review

Special Pherrus Federal Budget 2018-19 Review The federal budget has been outlined for 2018-19. This year’s Budget highlights a mix of some 37 measures. What are the need to knows? Here are the Big Ones Personal Income Tax Relief – there will be an immediate offset for low to middle income earners. Further relief is…

Company Tax Cuts Backed by Australian Industry Group

The Turnbull government has flagged personal income tax cuts as part of this year’s budget Back in November, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull had declared as part of his pre-election speech that any tax cuts would be aimed at the low and middle classes. Now, with the budget submission released in late February, Turnbull seems to…