

JobKeeper payment extension – What it means for your business

What the extension of JobKeeper payments means for you In June 2020, the Australian Government announced they will be extending the JobKeeper payment for eligible businesses and not-for-profits until the 28 March 2021. Originally, the payment was set to run until the 27 September 2020. Priority for this extended support will be given to not-for-profits…

Have you made your JobKeeper payments? Don’t Get Caught Out!

As part of a stimulus package to deal with COVID-19, the ATO has introduced the JobKeeper payment scheme. If you are a business owner, then the team here at Pherrus can help you through this crisis and provide all the crucial accounting advice to help you survive and thrive. Already signed up for the JobKeeper…

What Sole traders need to know about the Jobkeeper Stimulus Package

With the social distancing and shut-down measures that have been imposed in order to combat the spread of Covid-19, many businesses are really feeling the financial pressure. In order to enable as many enterprises as possible to survive, and even thrive, during and after the current wave of Covid-19 restrictions, the government has put together…

What Companies need to know about Jobkeeper Stimulus Package Eligibility

The Covid-19 pandemic is a worrying time, not least because many businesses are wondering how best to support their employees when income has dried up. To assist the many enterprises across the country that have either had to close completely or seen a dramatic reduction in trade due to the pandemic, the government has put…