
What is the purpose of taxation?

Tax is one of those living expenses that we might not necessarily like paying, but is essential in helping society to function properly. Taxes help both the national or federal and local governments pay for essential local services and projects.

Have you made your JobKeeper payments? Don’t Get Caught Out!

As part of a stimulus package to deal with COVID-19, the ATO has introduced the JobKeeper payment scheme. If you are a business owner, then the team here at Pherrus can help you through this crisis and provide all the crucial accounting advice to help you survive and thrive. Already signed up for the JobKeeper…

Accessing the government’s cash flow boost

With businesses suffering hardship due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has put in place a number of different measures to provide them with a financial helping hand until they can start trading at more usual levels. One of the financial stimulus measures which have been put in place is the cash…

Payment Plans and the ATO

The necessary government restrictions on economic activity which have been put in place in an attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19 have had a devastating effect on many businesses. For some, corona virus has meant an immediate cessation of trading; for others, the impact of the virus has been more subtle, but potentially as…

ATO Arrangements If Not Met Can Inhibit a Client’s Ability to Borrow Funds

Not Meeting Your ATO Arrangements Makes it Difficult to Borrow the Funds You Need Have you entered into an arrangement with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)? Were you unable to pay your tax debt on time and have opted for a pay-by-instalment plan? Have you missed a payment? Unfortunately, ATO arrangements, if not met, can…

Protecting Honest Business – ATO Visiting Businesses in Bankstown

The Australia Taxation Office (ATO) has committed to protecting honest businesses by tracking down deceitful or illegal activities in towns and cities across the country. In early November 2019, the ATO will visit Bankstown. Here’s a bit more information regarding the ATO’s pledge to protect honest businesses and what their visit to Bankstown means for…

New ATO Tax Ruling 2019/5

At the beginning of each financial year, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) announces a Tax Ruling. This outlines any changes made to the effective lives of assets – typically plant, equipment, and commercial property assets. This year, however, in tax ruling (TR) 2019/5, the ATO detailed several changes to residential property assets. These changes are…

Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) : What you need to know

The Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) gives the ATO valuable information about payments made to contractors for providing services. The ATO uses these reports to identify and follow-up with contractors that haven’t met their tax obligations. Do I need to lodge a TPAR? A whole variety of businesses and entities are required to lodge a…

Claiming Personal Superannuation Contributions & What Is Involved

Claiming deductions for personal super contributions Have you made personal super contributions in the last financial year? You may be eligible to claim a tax deduction. In this article, we’ll discuss your eligibility to claim tax deductions, as well as how to make a claim. Let’s jump right into it. What kind of superannuation contributions…

The ATO’s Stance On The Sharing Economy

The ATO’s stance on the sharing economy The sharing economy includes any economic activity that takes place via a digital platform (a website or app, for example) where people offer products or services for a fee. Some common sharing economy activities include the following: Short-term accommodation rentals like Airbnb and Homeaway Ride-sourcing – sometimes referred…