

Property Fringe Benefits: Know the Rules

Property fringe benefits are like the icing that turns a plain cake into an enticing treat.  A standard employment package includes salary, annual leave, and standard benefits. While adequate, it might not stand out in a competitive job market.  On the other hand, property fringe benefits make your employment offer more appealing to help you…

Loans for Small Business Startups: A Quick Guide

Kick-starting a new business is a nerve-racking task that often leads new business owners to seek extra support.  But here’s a question: Can you really snag a loan for small business startups? And if so, where can you get said financing, and what do you need to qualify? This guide will uncover the scoop on…

What Is Cash Flow Management?

How strong is your cash flow management? Particularly when a business is just starting or undergoing some form of transition, cash flow can be a deciding factor in whether it survives. Some people may be asking, what is cash flow? Cash flow meaning in accounting, is defined as the net cash flow coming into and…

Cryptocurrency Accounting & Bookkeeping

Whether you’re investing in crypto yourself, you know someone who is, or you’ve heard about it on the news, cryptocurrency is big business. From highly volatile coins to coins with a steady increase and incredible value, many see bitcoin and similar currencies as a quick and effective way to make cash. But as a relatively…

Is Negative Gearing A Good Property Investment Strategy?

Property investment is an attractive way of building net worth, but first-time investors can often be intimidated by the perceived difficulty of building and managing a property portfolio. This is not surprising since the investment industry loves to use industry jargon to make the process of investing sound more complicated than it is. Take negative…

What you need to know about Pausing a home loan

Nearly everyone is suffering in some way or another from the COVID-19 pandemic. Even those not directly infected by the illness are seeing their livelihoods dry up as businesses are forced to close, or simply have no customers due to social distancing and other preventative measures. For some workers, especially those who have been laid…

Deferral of the 2020/2021 Federal Budget – how will it affect businesses?

Governments across the globe are putting in place a variety of different measures in an attempt to halt the spread of COVID-19. Inevitably, some of these measures have a significant impact on the economy but are necessary in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus. In addition to the effects social distancing and other…

How to Invest Using a Self Managed Super Fund

Self-managed superannuation funds provide many people with the opportunity to not only acquire new assets but also to do it safely using a percentage of the money they put into the fund. However, managing a superannuation fund requires a lot of time and effort to succeed. It is important to realise that a significant amount…

Grow Your Wealth in Property, Pherrus Can Help

With property prices in major cities continuing to skyrocket and sustained growth in property value in many regional areas, property investment and development is an increasingly attractive option for those looking to grow their wealth. For those just starting out in property investment, it can be quite daunting and hard to know where to begin…