

What Is a Settlement Date?

You’ve found your dream home; now you’re eagerly waiting for the big day—settlement day!  What is a settlement date?  It’s the agreed-upon day when you pay the property’s purchase price in full, ownership transfers, the seller hands over the keys, and your homeownership journey truly begins. How Is the Settlement Date Decided? During the contract…

How To Apply for a Business Loan

Do you have dreams of expanding your business? Successful expansion often comes down to securing the right financial support via a business loan.  A business loan can also help you manage cash flow, invest in necessary equipment or inventory, and employ additional team members. In this guide, you’ll find straightforward, actionable steps to light the…

What Are Exempt Reportable Fringe Benefits? A Guide for Employers

If you’re an employer, you’ve likely already explored fringe benefits in some capacity. But if you want to know all the details of ‘what is exempt reportable fringe benefits?’ in one location, our handy guide is an excellent place to start. By understanding what is exempt from reportable fringe benefits Centrelink, it’s a far quicker…

Cryptocurrency Accounting & Bookkeeping

Whether you’re investing in crypto yourself, you know someone who is, or you’ve heard about it on the news, cryptocurrency is big business. From highly volatile coins to coins with a steady increase and incredible value, many see bitcoin and similar currencies as a quick and effective way to make cash. But as a relatively…

Stamp Duty in NSW: What you need to know

Whether you’re purchasing a home for the first time or planning to relocate to New South Wales, understanding all the costs attached to buying a new property up-front is the best place to start. Like every state in Australia, NSW stamp duty is a `specific fee or cost you will pay when purchasing a home.…

Is Negative Gearing A Good Property Investment Strategy?

Property investment is an attractive way of building net worth, but first-time investors can often be intimidated by the perceived difficulty of building and managing a property portfolio. This is not surprising since the investment industry loves to use industry jargon to make the process of investing sound more complicated than it is. Take negative…

What could NSW stamp duty reform mean?

Last month, the New South Wales government proposed changes to stamp duty in their budget outlines. The aim is an economic boost for the state, with home buyers being given the choice of paying upfront for stamp duty or opting to pay a fixed amount. This will be a lower property tax paid annually that…