Business Advice


What is Depreciation? A Hack for Business Owners

Think you’re getting the most out of your business assets? If you’re not using depreciation, you could be leaving money on the table—and the tax office certainly won’t send it back! Depreciation is a powerful tool that reduces your business’s taxable income and boosts its bottom line.  What is depreciation, and how can it help…

What Can I Claim on Tax: A Comprehensive Guide for Small Businesses

We all know the old saying, “You’ve got to spend money to make money”. Small business owners know it particularly well!  You invest a large amount of financial capital into your business to generate profit, like purchasing equipment, hiring employees, and marketing your products or services. These expenses and more can be claimed as tax…

Loans for Online Businesses Explained and Top Choices

Whether you’re a savvy online startup or a seasoned e-commerce seller, as a digital entrepreneur, you know that financial fuel is essential for your business to take off.  But cash isn’t always easy to come by! So we’ve got the lowdown on the top financing options tailored to online businesses like yours. What Is a…

Loans for a New Businesses – 5 Options

Are you ready to turn your business dream into reality, but a lack of funds is getting in the way?  We’re here to uncover five loans for a new business to help get your venture off the ground. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each so you can make a financially savvy decision. 1.…

Loans for Buying a Business– What You Need To Know

Are you ready to unlock the door to your entrepreneurial dreams and buy a business? The key is the right loan.  The loan you choose will significantly affect the success of your new venture and your financial future.  So, let’s explore various loans for buying a business, the role of guarantors, and borrowing limits to…

How to Finance Property Development: Strategies, Tips, and Expert Guidance

Are you eager to make your mark in property development, or are you ready to take your current portfolio to the next level? In Australia, property development is an exciting and potentially lucrative arena involving purchasing, developing, and managing properties to generate profit.  However, the success of development projects heavily relies on effective financial planning.…

The Essential Single Touch Payroll Checklist

Running a business in Australia? Then you know how vital it is to keep your payroll in check.  It’s not just about ticking boxes for the tax man; it’s about steering clear of pesky fines and keeping your business running smoothly. Plus, it’s how you show your team they’re valued- by paying them correctly and…

Understanding the Impact of Fair Work Act Changes on Your Business

The federal government recently announced changes aimed at closing loopholes in the Fair Work Act that allow for intentional underpayment of employee wages and entitlements.  As an accounting and business advisory firm, we want to help our small to medium business clients understand how these changes could impact their operations. Key Changes to the Fair…

Can I Get a Business Loan?

Are you tired of waiting for your business dream to take flight? A business loan could be your “plane” ticket, so to speak!  Don’t let confusion or doubt about the business loan application process hold you back. In this guide, we’ll break down the four steps you need to take to become a prime candidate…

What Is a Tax Agent?

Just as you wouldn’t drive through unfamiliar terrain without a GPS, you shouldn’t navigate the rocky roads of taxation laws and obligations without the guidance of a tax agent!  A tax agent is a certified professional who specialises in preparing, filing, and managing tax returns on your behalf. They understand tax laws, so they’ll keep…