About us
Our team

– tax strategies for sustainable success
We understand that keeping your tax to a minimum is a multi-faceted process. Accountants obviously play a key role, but there are also a number of other professionals who play a part in advising on tax matters. Our team consists of highly experienced individuals from a range of disciplines.
With accountants, agents, tax lawyers and industry-specific consultants on hand to assist, we are able to provide advice that’s specifically tailored to your individual circumstances
We aim to consider every aspect of your financial affairs, in order to put together strategies for long-term tax savings, as well as solve your immediate tax concerns. As a multi-disciplinary team, we are able to offer advice from a number of different angles. This not only enables our clients to get a better quality of advice, it also reduces the need to incur additional fees elsewhere. We offer a one-stop solution to all your tax reduction requirements, matching you with team members who have the expertise to advise on your sector and your situation. Every member of our team is highly qualified and experienced, as well as used to working with other tax professionals to deliver effective solutions for every client.

Our Philosophy
Pherrus is a company that’s committed to offering every client a personalised tax solution that’s right for them. We recognise that there are all sorts of factors to take into consideration when determining what’s going to be best – advice that may work well for a start-up may be less useful for an established company that’s considering further growth, for example. That’s why we listen carefully to your business or personal financial goals, then recommend the best strategy for both short-term and longer-term success.

We prefer to develop sustainable relationships with our clients, working with them over the years as their enterprises or personal affairs evolve. Our view is that tax minimialisation and management is an on-going process that requires periodic review in order to ensure that the strategies in place are still working optimally. No matter what the value of your business turnover or personal portfolio might be, we will work with you to ensure that your affairs are as tax-efficient as possible. Maximum tax savings require considerable planning over time – we are committed to providing all our clients with the information they need to make the tax decisions which are right for them.

How we work
When you choose us, the first thing we’ll do is listen to your goals and aspirations. We want to know not only your immediate plans, but also how you see your business or your life events developing decades into the future. Having a good awareness of your long-term goals enables us to suggest the right structures and strategies to maximise tax-efficiency in years to come. There are a number of fundamental choices that can affect your finances for years to come: the right business structure, for example, or the decision to acquire or dispose of a property. We advise based on your future plans as well as your current situation. This reduces the risk that you will need to backtrack or make dramatic (and possibly costly) changes further down the line, as your plans reach fruition. Our emphasis on taking a long-term approach also extends to ensuring your business has the right systems and processes in place to optimise financial regulation and planning, as well as provide appropriate back-up and support as and when necessary.

Our team of professionals encompass several different disciplines. This enables us to provide comprehensive tax advice that extends beyond what can be provided by an accounting firm alone. At Pherrus Financial Services, we are able to provide industry specific advice that’s provided by experienced, highly knowledgeable individuals who are experts in their field. Alongside our accountants, we also have legal professionals, who are able to examine proposed tax-saving strategies within a wider legal context. Acquisitions, mergers or changes in business structure, for example, frequently have legal implications which may impact on tax options. Our team give you a wide-ranging, cross-cutting view of your choices, giving you the information you need for prudent decision-making.
Once we’ve composed a strategy that’s likely to offer the best tax-efficiency, we recommend regular review and evaluation, to ensure that it’s working well for you. As time goes on, there may be a need to revisit your plans. This is a two-way process: In some cases, change may be happening within your company. This may be due to internal changes (such as a restructuring or the desire to change from a partnership to a trust structure, or similar), or as a result of external variables (perhaps the market has contracted, or there is an opportunity to expand into a fresh area of operation); in other cases, a changing tax environment may prompt us to contact you in order to make you aware of the potential impact fresh ATO announcements may have on your enterprise. Whatever nature change may take, we will be on hand to help you through it, ensuring your tax burden remains as small as possible. Get in touch to find out more.